Are you looking for an easy way to talk about periods with your teen and empower her with the things she needs to have a healthy menstrual cycle?

Then join me in the Cycle Awareness Workshop for Teens and learn: 

  • Why we have a period and what’s great about it! 

  • What’s happening on each day of the cycle-that’s right, stuff is happening when we’re NOT bleeding

  • How to have energy all month long

  • What a normal teen vs. adult period looks like—they are a bit different

  • What to eat to give your body exactly what it needs during each week of your cycle 

  • Feel confident using cups, discs, bands, and tampons for your unique flow

  • Know what to do about PMS and banish it forever. No, I’m serious, it’s possible!

  • Easily check in with your teen about their cycle and with her

  • Be able to read your body signs and know what to do when things are off

  • Increase the connection and bond with your teen. Yes, bonding over periods!

Cycle Awareness for Teens is a 2-hour workshop for pre-teens/teens (ages 11-18) and their female parent or caregiver

Here’s what we’ll cover…

  1. Basic anatomy and physiology of menstruation

  2. What a normal period looks like

  3. What and how to track your cycle

  4. Traditional and alternative menstrual products and how to use them

  5. What PMS is and what you can do about it

  6. What to eat during each week of your cycle

  7. The four seasons of your cycle: the gifts of each season and how to manage your time + energy based on this pattern

Join me in the Cycle Awareness Workshop for Teens and empower your teen with the things they need to have a healthy menstrual cycle and an easy way to talk about it!

Tuesday, May 9th, 7-9 pm

Family First Chiropractic + Wellness Center

3115 E Lion Lane, Suite #310, Holladay

$25 for teen + parent