The Four Seasons of Your Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle follows the basic pattern of expansion and contraction. Your energy follows a similar cyclical pattern dictated by your ever-changing hormone levels, and this can be explained with the metaphor of comparing the seasons to your cycle. Your cycle has four phases which follow the seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall.

Your inner seasons give you an energetic skeleton or framework that supports you in locating and getting to know yourself in your unique cycle. Every woman's cycle is unique, however the basic structure of the menstrual cycle and predictable hormonal patterns serve as a guide for you to find your own cyclical rhythm.

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Why You Need Your Period

Your cycle is considered your fifth vital sign. Every ovulatory cycle puts money in the bank to strengthen cell and organ function for your overall health, now and later. Additionally, your cycle is the heart of your power as a woman, it holds the blueprint for you to be the most powerful version of yourself all month long.

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What's a Doula?

Having the right support in place can make a world of difference for your birth experience. Hiring a Doula is the place to start if you’re interested in shaving off hours of your labor, reducing postpartum symptoms, feeling empowered in the midst of intense labor, and emerging from birth feeling so good about your birth that you want to shout it from the rooftops?

Come see how a Birth Doula can support you in achieving all these things and more.

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