Are you looking for an easy way to talk about periods with your pre-teen and empower her with the things she needs to have a healthy menstrual cycle?

Then join me in the Cycle Awareness Workshop for Pre-Teens (ages 10-12) and learn: 

  • Why we have a period and what’s great about it! 

  • What’s happening on each day of the cycle-that’s right, stuff is happening when we’re NOT bleeding

  • How to have energy all month long

  • Easily check in with your pre-teen about their cycle and with them

  • Increase the connection and bond with your pre-teen. Yes, bonding over periods!

Cycle Awareness for Pre-Teens is a 2-hour workshop for pre-teens (ages 10-12) and their female parent or caregiver. 

Here’s what we’ll cover…

  • Basic anatomy and physiology of menstruation

  • What a normal pre-teen/teen period vs adult period looks like

  • What and how to track your period and your cycle

  • Traditional and alternative menstrual products and how to use them

  • The four seasons of your cycle: the gifts of each season and how to manage your time + energy based on this pattern

Join me in the Cycle Awareness Workshop for Pre-Teens and empower your pre-teen with the things they need to have a healthy menstrual cycle and an easy way to talk about it!

Tuesday, April 25th, 7-9 pm

Family First Chiropractic + Wellness Center

3115 E Lion Lane, Suite #310, Holladay

$25 per person