What’s a Doula?

Think of it like a birth coach with skills and training. Someone to guide you through the process of pregnancy and birth. Someone who cares about you who is not your partner, mom, sister or best friend.

Your experience giving birth matters, the imprint becomes part of your story forever.

Birth is not a compartmentalized physical event, it’s an emotional, mental and spiritual journey too. It’s a WHOLE person kind of thing, so why not take care of the WHOLE person?

Being a Holisitic Doula means that I support mamas like you to take care of every part of yourself through pregnancy and delivery, from your brain to your blood to your base chakra.

When all parts of you are prepared, healthy and calm, you are setup for an amazing experience. And here’s the thing: your experience giving birth matters.

“Birth is not only about about making babies. Birth is about making mothers—strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.” —Barbara Katz Rothman

Being a Holistic Doula also means that I offer natural/holistic options and education to my clients to prepare them to progress through their birth with as little intervention as possible. So if you’re thinking about delivering naturally this time around, let’s connect! I’d love to talk about your goals for this birth and how I can support you best.

Meredith Cohen

Quick intro…

Hi, I’m Meredith!

I’m a Certified Holistic Birth Doula, specializing in natural, unmedicated birth. I delivered both my babies unmedicated at Birthing Centers and natural birth is my favorite, I’m a little obsessed about it.

I support mamas like you who want to deliver naturally but who may or may not know what to do, I support them by providing personal Doula services, education and resources.

So if you’re looking to create an amazing birth and you’re thinking about delivering naturally, let’s talk!