
Hi! I’m Meredith and I have a Birth Obsession.


I’m a holistic Birth Doula with two natural births under my belt and currently raising the two kiddos that came as a result. I teach women like you how to create amazing birth experiences by 1) providing comprehensive online tools and resources to prepare you for natural childbirth, 2) offering personal doula services, and 3) giving you all my best tips and tricks to take care of your whole self through pregnancy and birth. If you want to birth naturally, you can TOTALLY do it, all it takes is some preparation and practice. Your body has everything it needs to birth your baby, together we will unlock the power to do it. 

My story

My Doula work started as I was driving home from my corporate HR job on a Thursday afternoon feeling completely dispassionate about my work. I called my sister and told her my sob story and without missing a beat, she responded, “You should be a Doula.” 

What’s a Doula?

“Oh, a Doula supports women and their families before, during and after birth. She is different than a provider, partner, or mother, she has her own seat at the table and collaborates with the birth team. Her role is to provide skilled, consistent emotional and physical support during labor to make birth faster, easier and better for all involved. 

But most importantly, a Doula focuses on the experience of the birthing person and their partner...not just the outcome. Mothers remember their birth experiences. Regardless of how they deliver their babies, they deserve to be respected and honored in their process, a Doula holds space for this. 

My sister finished explaining and a voice inside of me said, “I was born to do that. Now I better go figure out how.” Everything about supporting families as a Doula connects with my deep passion to respect and hold space for people and their process.  

So I signed up for the next Doula training, said yes to a Birth Center internship and started on this path. Every birth confirmed my decision and added meaning to my life that I was missing in corporate America. 

After watching many women give birth naturally it was finally my turn. I labored long and hard for 16 hours, pushed for 2.5, then finally met my daughter. It was exhilarating, but I knew it could be better. I studied, I practiced and I hand picked a team of holistic experts to support me for my second birth. I labored for five hours--start to finish--pushed for ten minutes, and as soon as my son was born, I said to myself, “I could do THAT again”. That was the moment when my Doula practice took a holistic shift. I know that easy, joyful birth is possible and I am here to support women like you who want to create that for themselves. 

That brings me to why I built this site, to teach women like you how to birth naturally with all the confidence and ease in the world. You can TOTALLY do it, I’ll show you. 

How you can work with me

If you want to birth naturally, I’m your gal. Maybe you have the confidence to do it, maybe not. Either way, I got you girl. I will teach you the tools and techniques you need to prepare your body, mind, and heart to birth naturally and enjoy doing it. 

Shorter, faster labor. Confident, easy birthing. Trust in yourself and the process...this is what I’m all about. Giving birth naturally is TOTALLY doable and I’ll show you how. My blog has tools and resources for you or if you really want to dig in and do it, hire me as your Doula and I’ll be right there every step of the way. 

Short Professional Bio

Meredith Cohen CD(DONA) is a certified holistic Birth Doula who teaches women how to birth with confidence, ease and trust, and without medication. After experiencing an easy, joyful, unmedicated second birth and seeing what birth could be, she specialized her Doula skills to support women who also want to experience that ease and joy in the birthing process. Meredith now blogs and teaches women about holistic perinatal practices that assist them to reclaim trust in their body and put them back in the driver’s seat of birthing their babies. 

Meredith is the founder of Salubrious Woman, a comprehensive online resource for holistic pregnancy and birth and personal doula services. She leads women on taking care of themselves through the perinatal chapters of life and feels honored to be part of each family’s journey. She lives in Sandy, Utah with her husband and two kiddos and mountains for backyard neighbors. 

Meredith is a Certified Birth Doula through Doulas of North America (DONA) and a Certified Advanced Doula through The Midwives College of Utah (MCU).