Ready to banish your exhaustion and overwhelm and feel like yourself again?

Download my free guide to finding your energy again and let’s get started!

You’re here.

and you…

Are done having kids (or maybe there’s one more)

Have great traction in your business

Are feeling proud of your partner for hitting their stride at work

Are finally not counting every dollar

and you’ve found your groove with this parenting thing


You’re in your Prime!

But underneath it all, you feel…



pretty much all the time


because you are running around to dance and tennis practice, serving in your community, planning the next family get together and coaching your clients…and drinking diet coke to get you through

Like you’re just not yourself anymore

maybe you feel like you’ve lost a piece (or two) of yourself along the way of motherhood + life

Sound like you?

I have a solution for you: Cycle Awareness

Cycle Awareness is the practice of using the pattern of your menstrual cycle to find

sustainable balance and energy (and yourself) again

Download my free guide to having more energy and let’s get started